The family photos of China 56 ethnic groups

With our journey passing through 190,000 kilometers in China from August 2008 to August 2009, visiting 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, 554 cities and counties and climbing over the elevation of over 5,000 meters several times, we finally comes out with an splendid mind experience. At the meantime, we experienced 5000-year civilization of China and with the help of historical records, we have finally found out and took 57,228 family photos of 1,125 cultural heritage inheritors and common ethnic group representatives. These valuable family photos, taken by the photographer with love, form the eternal memory of the Chinese nation. So far these are the indelible national negative films that completely record the living appearance of the 56 ethnic groups.


佤族 P032D12 120-hb.jpg


20160829 安福路小房打印用 羌族 4D0D9575.jpg


56民族 P125D13 120 回族 001.jpg


56民族 P139D09 120 东乡族 001.jpg


56民族 P289D11 120 藏族 001.jpg


台湾少数民族 4D0D9733.jpg


56民族 P126D14 120 保安族 002.jpg


H1154 侗族 4D0D8975.jpg 

56民族 P252D06 120 水族 001.jpg



@ 2016 Haiwen Chen  沪ICP备16041072号